Surprisingly touching 90s movie
18 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've re-watched this movie a couple of days ago. For me it captures a part of my own childhood in the 90s, and is not always a pleasing and lighthearted teen movie. It shows the lives of 3 friends who swear a lot and who find refuge from their problems in playing baseball, since they are pushed around by more grown up kids, their parents are divorced or just most of the time preoccupied with work and problems to care about the children, but at the same time try to control their children into obeying their plans.

Since by God's grace i became a Christian, i will remind this thing, that Lord Jesus Christ told us to honor (obey according to God) our parents (Ephesians 6:2), not to be angry with our brothers (in any sense), and not to insult other people (Matthew 5:21-24). I remember i was rebellious, i swore a lot too, thinking it made me more "cool" or "tough", thanks to God for changing me into leaving these shameful practices. In fact the swearing and anger gets these 3 kids into more trouble, when insulting a local bully, who then harasses all of them violently.

Driven to despair by bullying and rejection, the friends use a gun to take revenge on the bully, but accidentally wound the most talented baseball player among them. The bully who was abused physically by his own father, explains to police it was an accident.

In the end, as it was explained in an after-word, the bully leaves these kids alone, their parents finally realize their need to look after their children and lay off overwork, while the wounded baseball talent reconciles with his brother and develops a new talent.

This movie is a good way to realize that loving one another counts more than entertainment and the material comfort, since those kids seemed materially well-off, but lacked proper guidance and spiritual peace - due to lack of connection and love from their busy parents, though as a Christian i must add that loving God is our top priority, and then others (Matthew 22:34-40).
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