Review of Bernie

Bernie (2011)
I Hate You Don't Leave Me
20 June 2012
If you have ever had a relationship with an individual who suffers from borderline personality disorder, you will know what it feels like to be Bernie!

BPD's have a pathological defense against abandonment that is destructive to themselves as well as others. (an emotional sunburn)

Who best to play this role than Shirley MaClaine?

She was described by neighbors as being "conniving, demanding, pulling the heads off dolls as a child, condescending, possessive" as well as having a pathological defense against abandonment . She screamed "I hate you don't leave me" just like the book with this title.

Jack Black is perfectly cast as Bernie the helpful funeral director who attempts to befriend the unhappy widow after her husband's death. Not knowing the fish tank that she was swimming in, Bernie was duped into having a relationship with her. (important to name the disorder)

It was push/pull/black/white/and no off button from the beginning of their relationship..

However, Bernie believed in the higher angels of everyone including the bpd and this was his downfall.

This is true to form to the real Jack Black whom I met a local Santa Barbara boutique. He asked me a total stranger what kind of flowers to pick out for his girlfriend.

Staying with a borderline, you can become borderline which is on the border of neurosis and psychosis and the homicidal and suicidal rage that goes along with it.

It is not surprising that Bernie had a psychotic break and kills her .

This is a fantasy of some therapists when meeting up with a borderline who are either at your feet or at your throat.

(Analyze This, What About Bob?)
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