Regular Show: The Best Burger in the World (2012)
Season 3, Episode 21
The most disappointing episode
21 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Regular Show" is one of my favorite cartoons from the recent years. It combined perfectly well the surreal elements from several cartoons of the nineties (such as "Rocko's Modern Life" or "Ren & Stimpy" with other elements that were more in common with modern sensibilities, resulting in something unique and pretty well done. Sadly, this is probably the only"Regular Show" chapter that I truly disliked.

It is, in my opinion, a misstep in comparison with all the good character development from previous episodes, resulting in something very cynical and mean-spirited, which is also (To get things worse) pretty unfunny and unoriginal. All the previous chapters showed Benson as a grumpy, but responsible boss, which constantly had to suffer the consequences of Mordecai and Rigby's shenanigans, but there were moments were it was showed that (Very deep inside) Benson considered his employers (Including Mordecai and Rigby) as his friends.

However, in this episode, Benson acts just like a complete jerk towards Mordecai and Rigby without any good reason, teasing them in a very mean-spirited manner.

It is true, several cartoons tend to do this thing: Portray once likable characters as unlikeable jerks only for the sake of "comedy" (The Simpsons did this with Homer, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends did the same with Bloo) But seeing this on "Regular Show" after so many heartwarming episodes, is frankly disappointing.

The worst part is the ending, which just came as a very bad joke, adding insult to injury. A terrible episode, that deserves to be forgotten. Probably the weakest entry in the whole series.
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