Duck Pimples (1945)
One of the all-time great Donald Duck cartoons
27 June 2012
As a child I found Duck Pimples fascinating, as a young adult I still do as well as lots of fun. Donald is different somewhat to the persona we usually see him with, usually he is easily frustrated and temperamental, here he is more passive and more of a punch-bag I suppose for the detective. This is an example of Disney doing something atypical, breaking the mold as you will, and doing it extremely well. Besides I do like this side to Donald, even I am more used to the temperamental side. The other characters formulating Duck Pimples right from the slinky woman to the Irish cop are stereotypical, but used to great value comedically, so what could've been an issue wasn't. Duck Pimples also has an interesting story, rapid pacing and a lot of goofy details that has a feel to the very best of Looney Tunes, but used to very imaginative effect here. The gags come by thick and fast, and often hilarious even if silly in tone in how Donald is accused of all these crimes. The animation is colourful and crisp, the music is energetic and the voice work is great from Clarence Nash and Billy Bletcher. In a nutshell, an awesome cartoon and one of Donald's best. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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