Review of Contagion

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Contagion (1989)
Season 2, Episode 11
Warp Core Explosion
4 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode has a stunning graphical interpretation of a Warp Core explosion and the vaporization of the primary hull of a Galaxy Class Starship.

The Explosion is completely circular, as it would be in Space. This effect was lost in later TNG and Deep Space Nine "Warp Core Explosions" including the one where the Jem Had'ar ship runs into a Galaxy-Class main deflector dish and bounces off a warp nacelle, in the DS9 Episode "The Jem Had'ar."

But the image that was burned into my mind was the image of the Yamato's Saucer Section, first the outer hull vaporizes revealing the Space Frame, and then that too turns into so many particles. And all Wesley can say is, "Captain..."

The Enterprise is showing the same type of, at first little, but then major, "Systems Failures" - Which start happening for no reason.

The Enterprise was on its way into The Romulan Neutral Zone because The Yamato's Captain had thought he had found the planet "Iconia"-The Iconians were "Masters of Air and Water" and could appear anywhere. So he sends Picard The Yamato's Logs, the malfunctions start right away and get worse.

But there is a Cloaked Romulan Warbird following them, and a cat and mouse game ensues: The Warbird de-cloaks and locks weapons on the Enterprise, but The Enterprise cannot raise Shields. But when the shields come up, the Warbird powers down. This goes back and forth until Riker suggests to the Warbird Commander that they "table the war and deal with their problems first"

Geordi stumbles upon a log regarding an "Iconian Probe Scan" which planted an Iconian Virus in the Yamato's Main Computer. The Enterprise got infected by opening The Yamato's "Email."-But if they are hit by the Iconian Probe Scanner, there would be no chance of saving the ship.

Geordi learns this while in Engineering, as he tries to get to the Bridge, the Turbo-lift goes Whack, and there is a great scene where Geordi is being plastered on all sides of the Lift, this was a very effective image of an Out-Of-Control Turbo-lift. As the Lift "pukes" Geordi out onto the Bridge he's able to get Worf to destroy the Probe.

Using the Yamato's Logs, the Enterprise locates Iconia. Picard, Worf and Data transport down and Data hits a wrong button and HE is scanned. Worf uses the Iconian Portal to bring Data back on the ship, but Picard, after learning from Data how to destroy the Iconian Transporter Portal, stays on the surface to blow it up-Escaping at the last minute to the bridge of the Warbird-Which is LOCKED into a self-destruct cycle!

Data fixes himself by "Rebooting" and Deleting the Virus, in this case the infected "Memories"-Which is the same process we would use to do the same thing on a PC.

O'Brien finds Picard-On the Warbird, and beams him back. Riker sends the Warbird instructions how to delete the Iconian Virus, but nevertheless, they haul arse out of there-Cos we've never seen a Romulan Forced-Quantum Singularity explosion (Probably would be an IMPlosion though)-It would have sucked in, not only The Enterprise, but the Planet Iconia as well!

Because the Warbird had become infected, and the only way for that to happen was for them to read the infected Yamato Starfleet "Email"- We must surmise that they are at least as good 24th Century Hackers as The Cardassians are.
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