Review of Dead Weight

Alfred Hitchcock Presents: Dead Weight (1959)
Season 5, Episode 9
If you think that knife is faster then this gun slice away!
4 July 2012
***SPOILERS*** It's when married advertising executive Courtney "Court" Masterson, Joseph Cotten, is out necking with an old flame of his Peg Valence, Julie London, in he Hollywood Hills that he's caught with his pants down by "Lover's Lane Bandit" Rudy Stickney, Don Gordon, at the most improper and unguarded moment! With Rudy pointing a gun at his and Peg's head and about to both rob and murder them Court's cat-like movements catches Rudy by surprise and in a split second disarms him.

Not knowing with to do with his "prize catch" Court stuffs Rudy into the trunk of his car an drives around town, after dropping off Peg, looking for a place to dump him. Finally releasing Rudy alive Court is about to let the guy go but in an instance, with Rudy saying that he'll get even with him for what he did, changes his mind and and blasts the guy away! Claiming to the cops that it, gunning down Rudy, was in self-defense it seems like Court is getting away with his crime. That's until the next day when private detective Lester Elleridge, Claud Stroud, shows up at his office.

***SPOILERS*** Court thought that he covered all the bases in gunning down Rudy and covering up, which he thought was far worse, his relationship with Peg! As we soon find out it was non other then Court's old lady or wife Mrs. Masterson, Angela Green, who was keeping tabs on him in suspecting that he was cheating on her! And with her now having the goods on her cheating husband goods that could very well land him in the San Quentin gas chamber you can bet your bottom dollar that Court's cheating days are over!
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