Cleanskin (2012)
Cross between The Professionals and Callan
6 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After reading the plot, reviewing some of the comments here, I thought this was going to be a much better film that it was. Halfway through, I was willing it to be, but alas, it wasn't. It was only at the end, when seeing the titles, that I saw the ominous text "Written, Directed and Produced" by the same person! My past experience shows that it is extremely rare for a movie to work when it has the same person trying to do everything behind the scenes – "Topsy Turvy" excluded. It's like there is no one there to carry out the checks and balances.

Major Spoiler following: A lot of the story is quite unbelievable, and the way it moves between flashbacks and the present is quite annoying, and at one stage, stays so long in the past, you almost forget about what is happening in the present.

Too many times our hero is about to finish the baddie when he is suddenly distracted by either a fire alarm, his partner opening the door or the light going off. It is done too many times, and becomes annoying.

Once our hero had located the first lead, the story went into a steep decline.

It is unbelievable that they would use the hooker to knock on the door and fearlessly lead the bad guy on. The writer has taken no account of her fears or feelings, and has written a comic book character.

What is more, why didn't they call in an anti terrorist team to surround the house and take him out – the team wouldn't have needed to know the details, and it would have stopped him escaping – and would be closer to real life.

For me, the Characters just didn't work.

Sean Bean's character alternates between a "Callan" type character – rebellious toward authority, but with a strong moral conscience about killing – and then is suddenly a Terminator figure.

His partner's character came across as quite confusing, and I still have no idea why he did some of the things he did, or why they had a wind up toy.

There are lots more about this film I didn't like, the main one being the script. It is a real shame that with the acting talent, location, and budget provided, that they didn't go and find a better story.
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