Review of Café

Café (II) (2011)
Much better than expected
7 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The mood, setting, the assortment of highly interesting characters, and especially the interaction between those characters, are all superb. I suspect that those few folks who are giving this movie a bad rating are doing so based on the little girl who seems to be playing "God", or the "programmer" in a virtual world supposedly created by her. However, the rest of the movie was just so fascinating that I simply would not allow this "existentialism" theme (if that's what it was) to ruin it for me. Hence, I just chalked that relatively minor portion of the film up to "fantasy." I might have given this an even higher rating, if not for the ending, which left one wondering what happened with the writer and the "movie girl", as everyone else in the cafe had a happy ending. *SPOILER* Now that I think of it, the sitting-alone writer (who was observing all the patrons and employees while writing his blog) also happened to be the mysterious owner of the cafe... so perhaps the "fantasy" elements were a product of *his* imagination (not the little girl's) while writing? That might explain why he was still observing and writing at the very end, seemingly despondent, while all those he was observing were experiencing oneness and elation. Just a theory I had the day after watching... ETA: In one of the above reviews, UncleTantra seems to share the same conclusion in his last paragraph.
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