Two Seconds (1932)
A very effective film in any day and time
8 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was a wow film from the start. Edward G. Robinson was just a fantastic actor. He made this one eminently watchable.

Hats off to Vivienne Osborne as the girl from the wrong side of the tracks who's mission it is to hook a sucker into marrying her so she can leech off of him. She plays the role so well, in the beginning you don't know if she's genuine or not. The only one who does know she's a leech is Robinson's roommate and coworker. He doesn't even have to meet her to know she's trying to rope his buddy in.

I won't spoil the ending folks, cause it's a darn good one. I was even surprised by it. Let's just say you reap what you sew and I'll leave it at that.

Try this one and don't be fooled by the year it was made. It could fall right into today's abundance of junk films and come out on a wide margin. Just an amazing performance by Edward G. Robinson. Don't miss this one.
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