Red Rose of Normandy (2011 Video)
Amazing old fashion war film - how did they get all that??
10 July 2012
I have watched just about all war films there have been made, and I am amazed they were able to make a real good solid war film with all that equipment in it, in a day and age where everything is digital, they actually found real crafts, planes and a ton of tanks, I even saw a Goliath in one of the battle scenes, I mean where on earth would they find that. very well researched and put together, now it could have been shot and edited a bit better sure, but its a low budget film with more hardware then any studio film I've seen. I hope Hollywood takes note of these guys and gives them a chance at the big money. it seems the critics of this film have more of a personal bone to pick then are actually giving a well balanced review. sure that dress were a bit short but like Roger said, she had nice legs. Damian Chapa and Tino Struckmann did a great job
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