10 July 2012
Now I know there are some people on here that loved this film due to the handsome male lead or whatever and there are also some (probably one) psycho(s) trying to trash this film under a variety of pseudonyms. Having seen all the controversy I decided to watch Night of the templar and see what all the fuss was about. So the plot was quite thin, I didn't engage with any of the gents or ladies that would be loosely described as having acted in this film. It was obviously done on a low budget which is fine if the tale being spun is interesting. I feel like the time I spent watching this movie was not time well spent, and I struggled to finish it. I'd describe it as being a sub-par si-fy effort and I'm appalled Carradine would put his name to it. Not the worst movie I've ever seen but its definitely up there.... Hope nobodies offended by my putting my ten pence worth in :)
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