Hijacked (2012)
Bad... in the worst sense of the word!
12 July 2012
Without doubt, one of the worst movies I've ever had the misfortune of subjecting myself to! The movie starts bad, with Vinnie Jones playing a part that's completely out of character, and from there, it just gets worse... much worse!

I won't talk about the glass bowls and decanters, etc, placed on the tables of a plane that's about to take off, instead, I'll talk about the worst plot, worst acting, and worst movie I've probably ever had the misfortune of watching! Actually, I'm lost for words... I'm trying to think of a few fitting, critical remarks about the movie, but it was so bad, that I'm struggling to comment, without adding spoilers and resorting to profanities! All I can say is, if you feel the need to watch this movie, but have a couple of spare needles in the house, I'd strongly suggest holding the needles over a flame, then inserting them into your eyes, because with hindsight, I would rather stick red hot needles in my eyes than watch this movie!

One of, if not the worst movie I have ever watched, and giving it a score of 1 out of 10, doesn't even start to describe how bad it is! Do yourself a favour and buy some needles... or you'll wish you had!
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