Chasing UFOs (2012– )
Chasing rubbish
16 July 2012
Lame. It is just a daytime TV type show for dummies, no real science, no proper investigations, no expert analysis and utterly awful cast. Ryder is the core of this programs failing, she is highly irritating grrrr she must go if the show has any chance, but I am positive it will fail. For the show is a fake as the hubcap ufo photographs that have muddied the real truth all these years.

This is a real insult to the professionals that painstakingly research the real evidence on the subject matter, the sheer lack of credible investigations and the Hollywood style faked drama will be a massive disappointment to watchers hoping to find a good solid foundation in this subject. Producers need to rethink this concept and stop making unprofessional cartoon dramas on a subject that has very real and credible evidence to its existence.
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