Review of Airborne

Airborne (2012)
This is SO Bad!
30 July 2012
Sadly I spent £3.49 renting this film online. If it had cost 29p it would have been too much. But it isn't the money that bothers me, it's the time I wasted watching the film believing that it must, surely, get better at some point. Imagine the worst B movie you can - add in poor special effects, rubbish acting and a storyline worthy of a 6 year old and you might get close to understanding how awful this film is. It wasn't funny, you didn't care if any of the characters died (in fact you pretty much hoped all of them would) and I would go as far as to say that this represented the worst of British filmmaking. There wasn't an option to put less than one star - but if there had have been, I most definitely would have used it!
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