Highway Patrol: Father Thief (1955)
Season 1, Episode 10
Like father, not like son
1 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A young man is stopped by a Highway Patrol officer for speeding. He doesn't give the cop a bunch of excuses but just acknowledges that he was speeding. The cop checks the trunk of the car and sees a lot of auto parts and asks the kid about them. The kid panics and intends to drive off but instead goes in reverse hitting the cop. He doesn't take off and Mathews later interviews him and the kid tells him the whole sad story. He isn't held for anything as hitting the cop (who recovered) is deemed an accident. Actually his not being held for anything seems unlikely but whatever. But Mathews becomes suspicious when he hears about the auto parts. The young man confronts his father who confesses to stealing and begs his son not to say anything because the cops can't really prove anything. The worse thing is not that the father stole, it's that he was more than willing to sacrifice his son. Sometimes the acorn unexpectedly does fall far from the tree.
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