Decent show but makes me wonder why these people have it so easy to make huge deals with little job skill
2 August 2012
The only realtor with creative talent is Josh Flagg and seems by far the most professional. Altman is good at buying houses but seems immature and a lot of bark and no bite but does well with strong arm negotiation tactics. Madison seems to have been born wealthy and comes off entitled and very immature especially with his former assistant and he needs to learn to ask questions and let her explain herself instead of acting like a crazy person making accusations and assumptions.

While she should have immediately explained the situation, Madison just jumped to those wonderful, and very wrong, assumptions. Had he not he would have made money for doing nothing and let her get a deal done with an experienced seller who help guide her in making a name for herself. It was no surprise a seller wouldn't feel comfortable letting her work on her own with no experience. I also think if Madison would only get over himself to talk to her like an adult when shes not working to get her side and clear the air. I'm sure she'd find it nice to be able to talk for once without his sophomoric verbal assaults and I think it would be possible to work together if he just shut up and listened as well as finding a nice way to explain he was scared she was trying to screw him over.

I would rate the show a 7-8 but the previous review was too low since a mature no drama show of middle to late aged realtors would not have an audience of more than half a million so some immaturity and drama is needed.
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