Review of Hijacked

Hijacked (2012)
Hijacked takes the action out of action film
5 August 2012
While he's done some other movies here and there, none have given MMA legend Randy Couture more exposure than The Expendables. After the success of that film it comes as no surprise that he is now getting the chance to headline his own action film in Hijacked. Clearly he has the action ability, but is he ready to carry a film all on his own as a leading man? Hijacked follows a special agent who is trying to reconcile with his ex, but when the plane they are on gets hijacked by the crime lord he is chasing he will have to put the relationship on hold and get into action. This movie is in the same vein as films like Die Hard 2 and Passenger 57 with one major difference, the action. How you can take an actor who is clearly built and known for fighting and throw him in a movie with very little action is a mystery. This film fails to deliver in a big way on the one thing it needed to work, the action. There is little to no action throughout this movie and what little there is becomes pretty forgettable fast. Here you have a simple story similar to every action movie to come along in the 90's, throw in a guy who has the look and the real life training to fight and they give him no fights at all. There are a few shoot outs here and there, but the couple of fights you get could have been done by anyone. Couture actually does a decent job with his acting and could have easily delivered a fun action movie, but thanks to this film he is treading on doubt of becoming a true action hero.

This is was a huge disappointment. Make no mistake anyone willing to check this out doesn't expect much from Couture himself as he is still finding his footing as an actor, but the action was the saving grace of it all and it's just not there. If you're a fan of Couture and really need a fix, just go check him out in the upcoming Expendables 2 and don't let this film soil your memories of him.
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