The Twilight Zone: Cavender Is Coming (1962)
Season 3, Episode 36
My Favorite
10 August 2012
I know you can't please everyone, nor should you try. That said, I'm surprised by the depth of loathing by some reviews of this episode. I grew up on twilight zone. The Carroll Burnett show was a staple in our weekly fair as well.

Back when this show aired, Carroll was a young, budding comedian. All these shows were competing for the same audiences in a small market compared to today. There were only 3 channels available. Likewise, the actors and writers all knew each other and often worked in the same complex of buildings. In context of the era, this show makes complete sense to me. It was a breath of fresh air to see the Zone not take itself so seriously, and as a result, strengthened my appreciation for the show. Puzzlement aside, this is a brilliant episode from this time period in television history. As said in other reviews, this episode is a tip of the hat to "It's a wonderful life", and is a cleaver tribute to it at that.

I suppose your attitude toward certain episodes depends on how much of a purist you are, how much humor you have towards yourself, and how old you are. I don't know anyone my age who dislikes this episode with the venom I see here.

As far as likes and dislikes. I am under the impression those buttons are a poll as to how helpful a review is to me personally. If I find a critical review that I feel is way off the mark, I tend to mark it unhelpful. For my purposes, a review that misses the point IS unhelpful to me. If a criticism of a show is warranted, then it is helpful to me and i mark it as such. Getting bent out of shape over how your review polls may have a lot to do with why you may find this particular episode so distasteful. (wicked grin)
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