10 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Aashiq Abu's "22 Female Kottayam" is a must watch. Though seems to have been inspired by numerous female revenge movies ( the makers have actually acknowledged the same in the end titles..! Kudos for honesty) the manner in which the narrative blends in with the brazen reality makes it a compelling watch. The happenings in the movie are just a slice of what is actually happening in the real world. Not everyone of them would have the gumption or courage to do what the protagonist of this movie do to her exploiters. But it surely cautions the vulnerable lot from falling prey to the hounds out there.

Screenplay written by Abilash Kumar & Shyam Pushkaran travels at a steady pace. With ample does of reality & cinematic liberties when needed , the screenplay keeps the viewer engaged throughout. The writers have broken various clichés that one would associate with movies of this genre.The ending is actually more impactful than what movies of this type usually ends with the protagonist killing the antagonist. Also they have managed to keep away from the compulsion that the Indian movie heroine should be embodiment of "so-called " virtues, values & virginity. It is refreshing to see a heroine for a change who doesn't feel shy to admit to her lover that she is not a virgin & boozes on par with her lover.

Reema Kallingal is touted to be the most promising actress in Malayalam currently & she lives up-to the billing with a sparkling performance. Character has myriad of shades & emotions. From being a gullible & innocent nurse to a caring lover , traumatized victim to revenge seeking woman with "what-is-left-be-lost" attitude , Reema scores in each & every scene she is on screen. And what makes her role powerful is equally commanding performance by Fahad Fazil. He too has different shades to his character & his performance in the last 20 minutes or so is topnotch.

Others in the supporting cast including Pratap Pothen , Ravi , Sathar & the rest have done a neat job.

Background score by Rex Vijayan is patchy. In some parts it is excellent but in some other inadequate.

Shyju Khalid's cinematography with various hues depending on the mood of the story is excellent. Numerous transitions the movie goes through has been wonderfully delineated by the change in color tone.

Dialogues are a huge strength to the movie. Especially in the climax when Fahad chides " F@#k you" & Reema retorts "Not any more" one gets a "Wow..!" effect.

On the whole, "22 Female Kottayam" is a neatly written , excellently acted & well directed movie.
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