Here on Earth (2000)
Am I supposed to feel sorry for the chick with cancer??
16 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest problem I had with this movie, other than how completely unrealistic and ridiculous the entire plot was, was how the writers of "Here On Earth" apparently expected the audience to sympathize with LeeLee Sobieski's character. Never in my life have I disliked a cancerous female leading character more than I did this girl. She is nothing more than a horny, cheating, BORING teenaged idiot who thinks she's "in love" with Chris Klein's character after knowing him for all of 10 minutes. Clearly, it's lust based on the fact that she fell for him after seeing him shirtless. I mean, come on. That's not love. That's pure sexual attraction. These two characters had NOTHING in common except for their love for poetry. Oh wait, and that they both have dull personalities. Maybe that's what brought them together. Throughout the movie, the only character I felt any remorse for was Josh Hartnett's character. It was absolutely heart-wrenching to watch this poor guy endure his girlfriend's obvious affair behind his back after the only thing he'd ever done was love her and be completely loyal to her in every possible way. And this b*tch goes and cheats on him with a rich pretty boy simply because he looks good without a shirt on. And then when we find out she has "knee cancer," we're supposed to be all broken up inside and find it beautiful and touching that her ex-boyfriend and new boyfriend come together as friends to be with her on her last days alive. Yeah, NO. The two-timing tramp obviously learned nothing from having cancer since she felt she could just cheat on her boyfriend being that she was going to die anyway. Talk about going out with a bang! I guess she figured she might as well enjoy her last weeks on Earth screwing a hot guy behind her faithful boyfriend's back. If this girl was so "bored" and uninterested in her boyfriend, why didn't she just end it instead of cheating on him and making it SUPER obvious by making out with Chris Klein's character right in front of her boyfriend's best friend? It was almost like she WANTED to hurt him...for no reason! In fact, any decent human being would end a relationship even BEFORE meeting a new love interest if they were no longer in love with that person anymore. But alas, the leading lady in this movie was anything but a decent human being. So in conclusion, I despised this movie solely based on my hatred for the main female character played by the completely plain-looking and talentless LeeLee Sobieski. And Chris Klein could use some SERIOUS acting lessons as well. Josh Hartnett was at least tolerable.
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