It should not have had the "Naked Killer 2" title...
16 August 2012
Alright, this movie should never have had carried the title "Naked Killer 2". Why? Well it had absolutely nothing in common with or anything to do with the first movie, aside from having the same two people in the lead roles and also having the same producer.

The story in "Naked Killer 2" is about a perverted rapist (played by Mark Cheng) who preys on women in the apartment building where he has recently moved into. He abducts, rapes and frames Man Man (played by Jacqueline Ng), but she gets help from her friend Yuk-Nam (played by Chingmy Yau) and her triad boss boyfriend (played by Simon Yam).

Well, the story in itself wasn't all that bad, but it was suffering under the title of the movie and suffering severely by having both Chingmy Yau and Simon Yam in the lead roles. I am not saying that they are bad at acting, far from it, but they both starred in the first movie and their characters died in the first movie. Yeah, I know the ones in this 'sequel' is entirely different characters, but still... I mean, come on, don't cast the exact same two people for the lead roles in a sequel that has nothing to do with the first movie. It was just a massive fail on every level.

The acting in "Naked Killer 2" was actually alright, and Mark Cheng actually put on a rather interesting performance as the deviant rapist, and he was the one that did the best job actually. I will say that both Chingmy Yau and Simon Yam weren't doing their usual good acting here in this movie.

Do not, and I emphasize on the 'not' part, watch "Naked Killer 2" immediately after having watched "Naked Killer". I did that, and it was such a disappointing anti-climatic experience. Watch them separately, and don't think too much of the title of "Naked Killer 2", because it is nothing more than a lame attempt on cashing in on the success of the first "Naked Killer" movie. "Naked Killer 2" should have had a whole other title, because it is a whole different movie and experience.
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