Weird science and Robocop meet perestroika.
17 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the late 80's - early 90's in Soviet Russia were opened a lot of video shops where group of people sitting in room on the chairs could stare in TV-set that were linked to VCR with foreign movies of all genres for money. That was beginning of new era of bad Russian movies. Have no skills to do movies in old style and no idea how to do in west style, but with giant ambitions they start to make it...

We have here all elements of cheap, dull 90's comedy from "new Russia": annoying synthesized tunes, lot of slapstick moments, unrealistic plot, horrible editing, unexpected nudity, idiotic lines from nowhere. Actually there's so many lines that some of them you can hear twice or more. Lots jokes about out-coming socialistic and upcoming capitalistic realities.

Plot is simple: old genetic (Yevgeni Vesnik) and young programmer (Sergey Bekhterev) trying to make a cyber-soldier to fight a new crime wave. Accidentally build a young woman (Yuliya Menshova) instead Rambo. She has a bunch of super abilities: fast moving, martial arts, changing voice and so on(as much as poor sfx could let it show). The business have success with her, until it cross the way of the highest crime boss. The romantic line that programmer felt in love in his creature, but he think she's only a doll without feelings. There's a happy end (at least in the 90's style).

The music is awfully stupid cheap and annoying. The gags are coming from all around no matter what storyline now is about. Mujaheddin shoot down plane with 'Stinger' in the middle of Black seas coast. Where he come from? Who cares.. Racketeer gang leader dressed as woman tried to attack a restaurant, shooting around with UZI... Manya is pretty static character suddenly became a full of emotions in the end. When, how, why it happened - you'll never know.

Some really good actors talent wasted for no reason. There's only one explanation for it - in early 90's soviet people was brainwashed that their life was an total absurd. And its actually became an absurd after "collapse". So DM just one of tones absurd "comedies" of shameful time. But not the worst one.
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