High School Film Class Attempt Sinks to New Depths!
20 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Abyss-mal in any sense! High school film company attempt fails, sinks to new lows. I like any kind of underwater movies but almost anyone has done one, better than this! I agree with other reviewers, it is so bad it isn't even fun that it's bad. Beneath Rotten Tomatoes! It lifts every single plot element from other movies. It surprises me that it was made in 1989, almost every aspect of film making had progressed exponentially, so this looks dated, anachronistic and even worse. It looks like the kind of old black and white film serials produced in the 30's, then shown Saturday morning on TV. Bataray creatures from Abyss, psychotic from Abyss/other movies; earthquake, from Abyss; submarines from model kits or toys; Envirowacko gloom, from virtually everything Hollywood has done for the last twenty years; incoherent background whispering and silly "special effects" designed (but failing) to emulate slitscan "trips" from 2001; worst soundtrack and dialogue ever seen, no budget for music, so instead there are excerpts from everything, so it is as incoherent and cheesy and dumb as the rest of the flick! Bradford Dillman as yet another of his psychotic roles, affected twitch and all. Dillman must have done this as a personal favor to Corman, who should be ashamed of this dumb piece of video garbage. But, as we all know Corman has no shame, he's gotten wealthy by churning out cheesy B flicks like this one and cheating audiences worldwide, for many years. He's still doing it now on SyFy, churning out their cheesy junk. What has to be the cheesiest, cheapest sets and props every assembled in one place, looking like rejects (rejects!!) from old Irwin Allen movies (even he did underwater better than this!) complete with inane, stupid dialogue and hopelessly bad acting, and a totally inept, senseless ending with... well, no ending. How did the director ever get this thing funded? I threw this one into our "donate" pile right after I watched it. Eeyikes.

What a BAD movie. Honestly, don't waste 79 minutes of your life on this piece of crap, it isn't even worth the time.
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