I don't understand the critics
17 August 2012
Supercapitalist was a fun movie to watch. It had its flaws here and there and at times I wanted the movie to slow down, and at other moments the movie could have picked up speed. But I was convinced at the end that this was not a rehash of "Wall Street"', "Boiler Room", or even "Margin Call", which are all movies made with budgets 12 to 22 times the size of Supercapitalist, which was made for a mere 500,000.

I got to see a genuine conflict, maybe not 100%, of Derek Ting being portrayed by Chinese people as a "banana", yellow on the outside, but white on the inside. it also in some ways gave a portrayal of Asian Americans in the US today, how we're assumed that we would be great at crunching numbers, doing our tasks, and not be vocal and shout for our rights. Needless to say, Derek breaks that mold by speaking his mind, and that impressed me in the movie where in the US new york scenes he does exactly that.

On the other side of the pacific, he plays a guy just wanting to play by the rules, and in Asia, especially with the Chinese, the rules of the game, especially negotiation are much different. Derek does a decent job portraying how the rules in the US doesn't particularly fit or take you anywhere in Chinese. Sure phrases like "shake it up a bit" and "bro" might be a little overused in the film, but it doesn't distract me from what the storyline and all.

Music and cinematography was great. Come on everyone, this is a Hollywood quality film on a SHOESTRING budget of 500,000. I challenge ANYONE out there without many connections in the film industry, to go bust your but and do a movie on such budget, both production AND marketing and get this far... So the critics shouldn't try to compare this with high overpaid and overpriced Hollywood films. Its an apples to mangos comparison. Comparing tapas to dim sum...Respect this film in its own right....
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