Stupid rookie mistakes?
24 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is just a review based on watching the first 10 minutes which are available free online.

Literally less than 5 minutes in and they are making stupid mistakes that any decent military consultant should have pulled them up on.

All that "fire" coming from the guns? Google "Flash Eliminator" - when in combat the last thing you want is the enemy able to tell where incoming fire is originating from due to muzzle flash. We have them now & we'd certainly have them in the future. (In fact after Carl takes the ship you can SEE the flash eliminators ON the rifles!) Also calling Medic? Everyone gets basic and battlefield combat first aid training, calling Medic died out in Vietnam, it's why everyone DOES get the training - so anyone can treat most wounds. You might have a specific medic but everyone there should have first aid training.

Also they aren't very well trained as combat troops if everyone is reloaded at EXACTLY the same time, who is providing cover fire during that moment? NO-ONE! If they can't even get the most simple things right is it even worth watching?
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