Worth wading through...sort of
24 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If there's a single thing that might have saved this film, it probably would have been music. But this is one of those early films where music was seen as only needed during the opening and closing credits. So, in between, there's an awfully lot of "dead air". "Dead air" while the main characters silently emote, and "dead air" between scenes. It makes the movie seem very, very long, although it's actually only 81 minutes long.

The premise of the film is actually interesting. A man (Pat O'Brien) and a woman (Irene Dunne) each break up with the loves of their lives (for the man, it's Myrna Loy). They then have a chance meeting in a bar/restaurant. They don't exactly fall in love...it's more a relationship of convenience...better to be together than alone. They marry, with the understanding that if their true loves return, they're each free to make their own decision. A child is born. And then, at the same time, the old lovers do return. Dunne leaves her baby and heads off with her lover (Lester Vail). But within hours, realizes she loves not only her baby, but also Pat O'Brien. She returns home to find that O'Brien is going to meet Loy, but instead she suggests bringing her to the house. Which O'Brien does, and that leads to a very awkward scene where Dunne attempts to keep a stiff upper lip and be very modern about what is happening...but ultimately breaks down in tears.

Strikes against each character. Vail and Loy for horning in on a marriage...doubly so for Loy because she is such a cold woman here. Strikes against Dunne for being willing to give up her baby and husband...at least for a while. Strikes against O'Brien for bringing the other woman to his home to meet his wife.

The actors play their roles relatively well, it's just that it's difficult to really like any of the characters very much. Each of the characters is remarkably callous at various times, and there's no clear good or bad guys (and gals) here. I did enjoy supporting actor John Halliday The movie is worth wading through if you like really old movies, though you won't want to wade through it more than once, and I doubt you'll want this clunker on your DVD shelf.
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