A Classic!!!
24 August 2012
Excellent - MUST SEE FILM! Changing The Game is hands down one of my favorite independent films of all time. It is an intelligent, moving, timely, brilliantly told story filled with depth of emotion, strong characters and dialogue, classic literary references, superb acting by a diverse and well chosen cast, with a surprise ending Hitchcock himself would applaud. While the film takes place in an Urban setting, this is NOT your typical "Urban Drama". It has heart, honesty and shows that Black Men in the inner city can be victors in any circumstance as opposed to victims of their circumstances. The characters are so well scripted and acted, as a viewer, you are engaged and involved in each of their story lines. They make you laugh, cry, cheer and they make you care about their fate or outcome. The production, props, set design, wardrobe and special effects make you forget this is a small budget film shot in Philadelphia in just 21 days. This film by Director and Writer Rel Dowdell, fills a void in modern Black Cinema, by artfully and masterfully maintaining a balance of great story telling, with believable characters and multiple themes which are thought provoking without being "preachy". Sean Riggs, Dennis L.A. White, Irma P. Hall, Nicoye Banks, Kirk "Sticky Fingaz" Jones, Tony Todd, Brandon Ruckdashel and the rest of the cast, do a phenomenal job telling a great story. This is a film you will definitely want to see multiple times.
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