Review of Planetes

Planetes (2003–2004)
27 August 2012
I thought I'd seen and read too many stories and nothing special would move me in this special way anymore. I was wrong!

I'll skip what other reviewers already told and would like to add that in the philosophy- or humanity-part of it all, it's very seldom that left and right, or good and evil, or whatever ying and yang you have are so overlapping, so vague as in this story. The personal goals, experience and decisions from all sides, just make sense. So which side is the good side? This is how reality is. And I won't spoil it, but one highlight to this for me was near the end of it, where the anime has also a very nice resolution* between the dilemma "elite space exploration and solving things on earth first".

* Although I wouldn't really call it an "overall" resolution -are there even ever any, also in real life?-, let's call it "progress" but it sure makes an example to some of the world leaders, rebels, freedom fighters, ego-wolfs, troubled souls and what have you, including to myself.

Thanks to all the people involved in making this unique and motivating space flower!
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