Tales of Tomorrow: Ahead of His Time (1952)
Season 1, Episode 41
rather imaginative and cute.
3 September 2012
Many episodes of "Tales of Tomorrow" are concerned with time travel, so "Ahead of His Time" is not that unusual in that sense. However, it manages to take a familiar theme and breath a lot of new life into it--and as a result, it's well worth seeing.

The episode begins in the 2050s. The Earth is nearly perfect--wars have vanished, people have enough to eat and all is at peace. But I said NEARLY perfect...because it's also about to die. However, there is some hope--perhaps a nerdy small-time science assistant, Mr. Whipple, can somehow change history and guarantee the future safety of mankind. I'd say a lot more, but don't want to ruin the surprise. However, rest assured--the plot is highly original, kind of cute and even a bit funny. A worthy episode that has aged well.
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