Strangers of a dark & stormy night
8 September 2012
A group of strangers holed up at a quaint lodge (The Black Raven) during a fierce storm discover that one of the guests has embezzled a large sum of money and is carrying the stash en route to Canada. Predictably, murder and subterfuge soon follow as the parties vie for the tainted bounty.

Solid cast includes Zucco as the inn's apparently benevolent manager, Glenn Strange (a sort of 1930's version of Mike Lane) his lanky, trusted goon and Byron Foulger as the cashed-up fugitive. Wanda McKay and Bob Randall play an eloping couple, pursued by the bride's possessive father (Middlemass) who has vetoed the nuptials. It's the typical assortment of guests each brining their own travails to bear upon the common intrigue and nobody is above suspicion.

Zucco is a masterful thespian and his patient, assured (not to mention immaculately attired) presence easily eclipses the surrounding mediocrity, an otherwise average tale that plays the clichéd formula 'dark & stormy night with strangers' with few innovations or surprises.
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