Dumb, dumber, dumbest...
10 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is about a scientist who is about to save a small town from hordes of killer ants. Already from this it is possible to draw conclusions about the quality of the movie, i guess...

In this movie no one say or do anything that is logical and reasonable. Already in the beginning this becomes clear when the main character Jim ask the helicopter-pilot if a volcano they see is active or not: "No it just burps once in a while"(!!) Well, that indeed means that it IS active.....Most things have already been said about this disaster but i guess my favorite scene is when the two police officers are at the farm and the farmer who live there have dug holes in the ground and poured gasoline into them to kill the ants, one of the cops fall into one of the pits and the other one runs over there and shout: "Don't use your gun, the place will blow up!" And what does he do? Well, then he just HAVE to do exactly that...After all, what good could it do to fire a gun in that situation at all...? And the worst thing is he already knew that there was gasoline there...Basically all scenes in the movie are of this intelligence. The solution to this whole thing is obviously to blow up a dam so the ants will drown but also the town will be flooded. There is absolutely NO logic in that decision, and consequently he also have to admit later: "I don't know if this did any good, i actually can't say that the problem is solved at all..." (uhu...) Plot, script, acting,... it doesn't get cheesier than this...the absurdities are heaped on top of each other non stop. I guess the kid should be given an Oscar just for being able to keep a straight face when he see the two main characters come rolling down the street on that mini-scooter.....

Conclusion: This is the kind of movie where you start to suspect that the scriptwriters, the director etc. actually laugh among each other later about how many stupid things they could make stupid people say and do in front of a camera, kind of.....It isn't even so bad its good, it's even worse...
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