Death Academy (2005 Video)
A fantastically awful tour de crap
11 September 2012
This film is not quite as bad as, say, Tommy Wiseau's "The Room", or "Birdemic: Shock and Terror". It is, however, the closest you can get to that level of awful awesomeness in Swedish films.

"Death Academy" is filled to the brim with awful, stiff acting that isn't believable for a second, gigantic holes in the logic of the story, and plot holes that make you wonder if there even is a plot! And yet, there always seems to be a gleam in the eye, as if the director knows how awful his film is and is trying to have as fun with it as possible.

The gore ranges from mediocre to pretty good, and it's evident that all the money went into props and effects. The sound quality is so-so, even for a low-budget movie, and the music is so out of place that it's laughable - in a good way!

The camera angles are often very strange, and the cameraman often makes dramatic zoom-ins on people's faces when they're in the middle of a sentence! Also, when filming any of the girls, he often focuses on the wrong parts...

If you enjoy humorously bad films, this is a must see. I watched it with some friends and had a blast. It's a 100 minutes of uninterrupted laughter and enjoyment!
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