Lucio Silla de Mozart (1985 TV Movie)
A splendid Lucio
15 September 2012
Lucio Silla is not one of my favourite Mozarts. The quality of the music has nothing to do with that, the music is beautiful and very inventively orchestrated, amazing for a nearly 17 year old boy. I think it is more to do with the libretto, which is rather sloppy. But you forget that listening to this audio CD version, which is brilliantly performed in every department, and also with great sound. A much more fulfilling performance than the production with Roberto Sacca as Lucio, which was quite a mismatched mixed bag. The orchestral playing play beautifully and stylishly, and the conducting keeps things going at a crisp rate while calling for nuances when needed. For a titular role character Lucio Silla(like the Mikado in the G&S work of the same name) is not a large one. Anthony Rolfe-Johnson sings strongly and with superb style, more than making the most of his role. Ann Murray is splendid also as Cecilia and sings with much emotion and intelligence. Lella Cuberli is thrilling as Giunia, and the Cinna of Britt-Marie Arulan radiant. All in all, heartily recommended. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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