The Navigator (1924)
16 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Navigator was an alright film, I wouldn't say it was amazing…but I don't have much experience with silent films so I guess my opinion isn't worth much. The movie did have quite a few funny parts though, some that were actually funny and others that were just so outrageous you couldn't help but laugh. I enjoyed the fact that the woman had a predominate role, I feel like that wasn't very common back then; I believe she did an excellent job portraying her role. As did Buster Keaton, but together they both made the film enjoyable. By the middle of the movie I found myself getting distracted and kind of lost sense with what was going on. I think it was because the comedy had gotten predictable and slowed down and the story seemed to drag out what seemed like could have been short scenes. Although I didn't enjoy the story line of the middle of the movie I do believe the film work was impressive with all the creative shots and use of detail. Even though there weren't many title cards it was very easy to understand what was going on, which was very refreshing. Over I think the acting and use of detail were some of The Navigators strong points and any silent film fan would enjoy this movie.
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