Fugitive Alien (1986 TV Movie)
all it needed was William Shatner as the captain
21 September 2012
This is a Japanese production and a pretty good one. Its visually interesting and the plot is easy to follow. I found it to be reasonably entertaining despite a couple of slow spots here and there. There are some campy stuff like the way the characters shrug off tragedy in their lives. The love of Ken's life dies and he pretty much goes on about business without shedding a tear. Captain Joe loses his daughter and Wife and next day he is back at work, eager to get busy. Despite its flaws I enjoyed the look of the show. The ships and space battles look pretty nice, the bad guy looked nasty, and the English dubbing wasn't very distracting. I liked some of the costumes and locations as well. ,,,, You know, to be totally honest about it, if William Shatner had played Captain Joe, there would probably be tons of interest in this neat little science fiction flick. Definitely deserves a much better rating that it gets here. I give it a 5.5...its fun.
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