Parade's End: Episode #1.5 (2012)
Season 1, Episode 5
Parade's End Episode #5
22 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Who will Christopher choose the miniseries ends tonight. We start by learning Christopher will back to the front with two other men that he does not on with that much making an awkward situation. Back to England with my favourite character Valentine. Valentine is upset that her love is away and may never come back but she still believes that she can be with him all though he is married and it would be shameful to divorce his wife at this very time. I always forget that Valentine is old enough to be a teacher in a school as the actress just looks so young but the character is a strong woman who I love. Back to the war front and Christopher leading everyone must look at all these horrible events of death, violence and self sacrifice. Back to London and Sylvia getting a talk with her mother about how she is selfish woman who still never deserved Christopher to begin with. To the front and with explosions going off every minute the area is tense as ever. Sylvia continues her flirtations with every man to stay true to her godly believes as a wife in waiting. Christopher slowly is losing himself as he stays in the dirty world of the war thinking about which woman he will choose in the end. The dreams he has I believe are signs about who he should decide on. Christopher may be in a place of complete despair but some times he does get some moments are pure and quiet peace. Just when it seemed everything would be OK and explosion occurs killing several officers but Christopher sort of lives. The good thing about the explosion was that he know gets to go home because of injury. Sylvia meets again with the man that could have been her child's father to really make up for what she put him through. The war is over and life seems to go back to normal. Goodbye to our favourite tree and that was want kept him back to past life but she was finally able to push him over the edge causing him to leave her. Valentine comes back to Christopher but his wife will not leave without a fight for attention. Sylviadoes lose the fight for the man but at least she is not that bitter about it. This episode ends with a part thrown by the Tietjens dancing together to a montage of many moments including the ending of the War Parade of the first war and everyone seems to be the fight life. Excellent Miniseries, great production and some really memorable performances. With Cumberbatch standing out the most creating a man who was challenged between his faith or his love. Newcomer Adelaide Clemens was the best female character as I felt her face expressed so much even if her speech did not. Rebecca Hall was also impressive playing the villain in my mind Slyvia, she made the women have some redeeming qualities. The direction and writing helped the story move long very well. The costumes were stellar but so was everything else.

EPISODE GRADE: A- (MVP: Benedict Cumberbatch)
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