Pretty surprised by all the negative reviews...
22 September 2012
After reading the negative reviews online I decided to give this film a go anyway after my plans for the weekend were cancelled... And what a surprise it was after expecting another Syfy B movie type film, although not exactly mind-blowing the CGI dinosaurs were fairly convincing if not impressive! And while I've seen better acting out there Kane's performance although rusty at times played out well especially in the "alone with the camera" scenes. I found the story rather silly at times but once I looked past the Sci-Fi genre and looked at the story from a more fantasy perspective I found myself enjoying the movie throughout. This movie has definitely earned my respect and although some scenes failed to live up its' title of "The best dino movie since Jurassic Park" I look forward to watching this title again along with my dino-enthusiast friend. Nice one!
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