Review of 0s & 1s

0s & 1s (2011)
It's like being inside a computer
21 September 2012
I'm not a critic and won't pretend to talk intelligently about this, but this film is super original and creative and funny and you should see it. Oh apparently the minimum length for reviews is "10 lines" so I have to say some more. Find a way to see this movie. Rent or buy it on Amazon or whatever. A b c d e f g. Shoot OK, um, this movie is so over-saturated with visual content it like totally sums up the modern fragmented digital experience. Multiple browser windows, simultaneous application use, chatting-while-emailing-while-texting-while-statusupdating, pop up ads, buffering etc. all happen at once as the film's narrative unfolds from the perspective of a computer desktop. Very original way of presenting a narrative, very cool.
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