Review of The Next

The Next (2012– )
The Next CW Flop
21 September 2012
While there is potential for this 'Star Search' type series on CW, it is simply too formulaic. Furthermore, it is introduced each week by the kind of young-ish Allison Hagendorf with her allllmost valley-girl style which I'm guessing is supposed to appeal to the, overall, very young audience, yet clashes with the maturity of the mentors. Then, and above all, it seems we can predict the outcome each week. The last to perform has been the winner every time I've watched, and I believe I've watched each one. What's up with that?

In most cases, I love these kinds of shows for their exposure of new talent, and this one in particular for the opening up of the personalities of celebrities in partnership with the up-and-comers. Furthermore, these particular mentors have been great! But, this series is probably in trouble. Too bad...
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