Elementary: Pilot (2012)
Season 1, Episode 1
Elementary Pilot
28 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Americans may not be as good as the British at doing this character but their effort is a very strong one. The story Sherlock is character lately that has done to death but this version is based in USA with a female Watson (Lucy Liu) and a drug addict (Jonny Lee Miller). The case this week is a death that has some similar qualities to another attempt on another woman's life. When Sherlock uses his ways to get people to talk it gets him locked up in prison. The pilot was very enjoyable for me as it set up the relationship well, the case was OK bringing in some new things that Americans do all the time. Jonny Lee Miller brings his version of Holmes which I quite enjoyed especially since Miller was not faking an accent but using his real one (Only the first episode so I will not compare). Liu was OK but I feel that in time she will get better. All to talk about in the episode was the set up and how they fact Watson is a woman might change how Sherlock acts for the better, also we must watch out for a potential drug lapse for Sherlock.

EPISODE GRADE: B+ (MVP: Jonny Lee Miller)
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