A Great Kids Movie! A Fine Independent Film!
2 October 2012
Viewing this movie of recent date, I say for the budget they made the most of what they had.

A cute girl that star appears to be Jessica Black.

The movie perhaps is a little slower paced than your typical Disney film, but it appears to be pure in it's message and story without throwing out a dozen unwanted subliminal pop culture subversive messages.

A fine Independent Film, I wish there were more like this to see in the cinema, I would without hesitation bring my children to see it.

A wholesome movie! For kids! Who would of thought it! The problem with many viewers today especially the insolent wretches who reviewed this movie, is these imbeciles fail to understand it is a children's movie from a production that had not a great deal of money to spend like the larger productions, you figure adults would be of greater discretion to realize this.
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