The Twilight Zone: Kick the Can (1962)
Season 3, Episode 21
Infirmities of age
3 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was all of 16 when I first saw this Twilight Zone episode and now that I'm 65 it all is quite poignant to me. Being now an old codger like some of the familiar character players that populate the cast I only wish that children's games can make me young again and take away a few infirmities of age.

Ron Howard's Cocoon was anticipated by 25 or so years with this Twilight Zone episode. At the Sunnyvale Rest Home all is tranquil as the various residents accept age and infirmities as if they had no choice. That is until the arrival of Ernest Truex who is propagating the strange notion that if one starts playing childhood games again, one might just recapture one's youth as if drinking from a fountain with said properties will do so as well.

Truex's assigned roommate Russell Collins is no believer in that notion, but Truex's idea gains popularity with the rest of the residents with results only found in the Twilight Zone.

Such familiar faces as Earl Hodgins, Burt Mustin, Hank Patterson, Marjorie Bell make up some of the rest of the residents and a harassed John Marley is the director of the home. Nice ensemble make this a good show.
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