The Good Wife: And the Law Won (2012)
Season 4, Episode 2
The Good Wife And the Law Won
7 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Will comes back to practicing law where we see him try a case against a police man be sued for shooting a young man in the stomach many times at the a riot. $18000 is how much the firm receives but Will believes they can get higher. Kalinda meets her husband in an ice-cream shop to have a talk. She makes fun of his skills and he calls her a bitch. Diane meets Maddie Hayward(Maura Tieney) and wants to talk to her but she offers to speak to Alicia. In the courtroom we see the girlfriend of the murdered at the witness stand to show how sad she is. The judge then calls the lawyers up to the bench to tell them he will ask the jury directly about the witness in the video. She broke it off and that's bad for the case so he calls in Kalinda to help only if they can find her which Will cannot so when she gets back he is really angry at her. Kalinda then tells Alicia that her latest client is her husband and she says he is dangerous. ER reunion as Maddie (Maura) and Alicia (Julianna) meet to talk about the firm. When Alicia meets with Nick Kalinda's husband again to tell him they cannot take his case he kisses of Kalinda as he leaves. When they try to find the juror who is asking questions they turn to a woman. Miss Hawyard comes to finance Peter's campaign. Back to the room at this time it's Nick with a gun facing Kalinda. When he punches a mirror she must clean up the blood. Kalinda doing some investigation learns that the police tagged people with red tags when they thought she was trouble. Kalinda learns that the red button was gone and Will asks the police to see that he took it. Diane gets angry that Maddie did not support the firm but went straight for Peter's Campaign. Nice episode and Maura Tierney looks like a great addition to the cast list. Nathan Lane is impressing me by toning down his usual over th top self. Archie is getting such great material that I'm so happy she is back.

EPISODE GRADE: B (MVP: Josh Charles)
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