IMDb Please have a zero rating so I don;t have to give it one
12 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest my expectations were low but they were not achieved. I presume this is a student film that has been released in the hope of securing funding for future film projects. As such any producers or companies out there wishing to invest please think again and maybe donate to the Fund for the Conservation of the Dodo, your money will go to less waste.

It's hard to blame the actors who work with a script that has been obviously written using a piece of script generation software from a bargain bin in a supermarket. At times the script does work, in particular when it is covered over by the noisy clicks of the microphone being moved. This is when the script is at it's best. Along with when the actors aren't speaking at all.

The effects are particularly impressive using a technique known as 'Shit'. One shot of a body riddled with holes is so obviously an actor laying under a sheet of plastic with bullet holes painted on. This would be classed as genius if it weren't so horribly ineffective. The giant wheels are actually probably the only moderately good special effect in the film with a couple of 'money' shots ($2 each I guess) being passable. However most of the other shots are just magnified close ups of spinning wheels.

Now on to the bad bits and I will write these as instructions from a non-film maker to a group of film makers: Showing someones feet running down a sidewalk for 2 minutes every 5 minutes does not convey empty streets, it conveys a sidewalk. Why did you not just close another street using yellow tape and show a long shot but next time hide the yellow tape! A close up someones eyes does not give the impression of fear. What it put in my mind was...she's now got more make up on despite being in the middle of 'Invasion of the Spinning Wheels' Sticking a drill bit onto the end of a piece of sprayed grey plastic is probably not as terrifying as it reads. Actually it doesn't read particularly terrifying either.

Zombies are not made more terrifying by having them hold their hands up and making their hands into claws by bending their fingers...while gurgling.

Showing The Statue of Liberty 6 miles away across water with tourists milling about it does not make me feel like this is an invasion of New York. It makes me think its an invasion of the docks near New York.

So in conclusion, and specifically to the film makers. Well done, nice try and let's be honest you gave it a go. Now go off and get nice little jobs as supervisors in supermarkets or accountants but please if you want to work in the film industry could I suggest....ushers?
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