Review of Die

Die (II) (2010)
Bland attempt at a Saw rip-off
24 October 2012
After reading the synopsis, I'm sure your mind will immediately think "OK this is obviously a Saw rip off" - and you'd be absolutely correct. There are a large number of elements that appear to be direct rip offs from the Saw series (namely the first). I am totally OK with rip-offs of good movies, if the rip off is well done...this one isn't. I really love Saw, so I might come off as slightly biased, but what made that movie great (other than the novelty) was the suspense, the constant twists that kept you guessing, the fantastically dark, gritty atmospheres, and the brilliant way the characters and story events were interwoven + how it was all brought together in the end; "Die" is completely ineffective in all of these. Watching "Die" will make you appreciate the way the story is told in Saw. In this movie the story telling is completely disjointed - I loved how in Saw the two characters woke up in a room with no knowledge of what was going on and the story built from there, slowly recounting the character's pasts, etc. In Die you have the same concept, except that the story jumps around randomly between back story, the characters being trapped, and the cops (whose storyline seems like a weak afterthought). None of the characters seem to be truly fleshed out, and many of them die before you learn anything of interest about them. You keep waiting for the twists and the interconnected story lines, yet none come. Furthermore, the method of the bad guy is completely stupid and makes no sense. They try to give him a jigsaw-like quality of this near omnipotent figure who is always 2 steps ahead combined with higher morality (half of his lines sound like direct quotes from Jigsaw - appreciate your life blah blah) being the reason for putting this together, however you quickly see that his methodology centers around randomness -- "fate" as he puts it (dice rolling) -- and every "trap" functions in exactly the same, simplistic manner. You fail suicide (isn't that already fate?), so he is going to put you in a situation where you have absolutely no control over whether you live/die to prove that you should appreciate your life? Uh, WHAT? One other thing that was really ridiculous to me is that all this guy had was a handgun (sometimes he didn't even draw it) with little to no further measures to protect himself, yet the characters put up no fight whatsoever, even though they could have likely taken this guy out pretty easily(sometimes they even have things they could use as weapons). I typically make a point to finish all movies just to see if there is some redeeming bit at the end, but I had somewhere to go with about 20 minutes remaining on this and I didn't have the desire to bother finishing it. Maybe some kind of amazing twist lies at the end, but from the complete lack of build and tension, I highly doubt it. The production values are fine, the acting is OK, but the story is just poor and the entire thing simply feels so pointless.
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