Review of Fringe

Fringe (2008–2013)
A Perfect Balance of Serialized and Procedural
26 October 2012
I have to say that when I first watched this series I didn't think much of it. A couple a years ago I had a friend in college who was a huge fan of this show and kept telling me I needed to watch it. Finally I agreed to watch the pilot with some friends. I remember watching the pilot and thinking it was good, but wasn't hooked so i didn't watch the series after that for a while.

Probably about 6 months later I decided to watch the pilot one more time and give the show another chance (This show was the first big plunge into the world of science fiction). After giving it another chance and sticking with the first season per my friend telling me I need to keep watching I got hooked! It is now one of my top shows with LOST, 24, and Chuck.

This show is unique in the fact that it is a mixture of serialized and procedural at the same time. Different seasons lean more in one direction than the other. For example, season 1 begins very procedural and people who love serialized shows may quit because they see no connection, but there is. Later in the first season it becomes more serialized and things start being connect. Season 2 is a great mixture of the two. Season 3 is almost completely serialized. I believe this show strikes the perfect balance of the two to where it can be enjoyed by a wide range of people.

As far as acting and writing, in my opinion it is incredible. Anna Torv does a great job as well as Josh Jackson and especially John Noble who makes the show and is probably one of the most incredible actors on TV right now. I highly recommend this show to everyone, with one disclaimer. You have to at least stick it out through the first season. Because you don't start to understand the show and where it is going until then.

But you should watch this show. Definitely one of the best on TV right now. A cut above the rest.
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