A barge captain and his adopted son both fall in love with a femme fatale
28 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Not a comedy as you state but a romantic melodrama, one of those late silents like Sunrise or Variety where the story may be elemental but the range of expressive techniques that had been developed by that point to tell such a story is impressive. There is an especially good use of an iris in the hotel scene toward the end (I hope this is not a spoiler) I had,t heard of the director or any of the actors so I was quite surprised how good this film is.It is possible that Jean Vigo remembered it when he made "L,Atalante." Another link to a more famous film is that the femme fatale,s name, Concha, is the same as the Marlene Dietrich character in Sternberg,s "The Devil Is A Woman."
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