A very commendable effort
29 October 2012
Of the deluge of low budget World War II movies coming out of both Europe and the USA this little indie effort is better than most. I can see where great care has been given here to getting people who sound German to speak German, French to speak French. It may not have been shot in the South of France, but the DOP has spent some considerable care to give the film the warm tones of that part of Europe and the CGI shots blend nicely to convince of this too.

The plot is a little wish washy, men taking part in Dragoon, (The invasion of the South of France, August 1944) end up helping the French resistance on an unrelated mission. The number of characters is kept small and simple and the action scenes are nicely directed. The acting here is earnest, the cast aren't going to win any Oscars, but they don't make the mistake of over selling their performances like so many inexperienced actors would. Everyone here does a good job.

Its a small film and a small story, so don't be expecting Band of Brothers, but its well made with care and love and a great example of how to make a small but interesting film, as opposed to the terrible 'Rhineland' which felt like a bunch of re-in-actors out on a jolly. Here you can tell everyone involved wanted to make a good authentic film with a bit of heart, they succeeded.

If you liked the original your unlikely to be too disappointed, I personally wasn't and this has made it into my WW2 Collection.
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