Led Zeppelin and Double Bass.. arghh
31 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is more of a technical review on each musician rather than of the concert as whole as there are enough of those already.

Robert Plant Well he did a remarkable job considering it was almost 40 years ago that he recorded the most well know Led Zeppelin tracks. His voice with its age can't hit the high notes anymore and he changed the articulation in several songs as he may just not have the muscle memory of what they used to sound like.

Jimmy Page Not sure if it was his finger or just age but he was struggling to keep up to tempo on several songs. His fingers were not as nimble along the fret board as they used to and thus there was not the resonance from the guitar parts that is in example on other live Led Zeppelin titles like Song remains the same or How the west was won.

John Paul Jones By far the standout from this performance. The tone and sound he gets from the bass guitar is amazing for a guy over 60. Maybe the road fitness he would have built up touring with Them Crocked Vultures a few years back is part of it but from the first song till last when he has a bass in his hands he fills out the whole bottom end of the sound beautifully. Sadly I found his keyboard a little, rushed maybe. No quarter which should have been a highlight for me kind of just came and went for me.

Jason Bonham Well he had massive shoes to fill and sadly it was his feet that let him down. I have no idea why he chose to use a double bass peddle but it was the wrong way to go. Fair enough he may not have the "jack rabbit" right foot that his dad was famed for having but to just create a basic muddy sound where Led Zeppelin was known for having distinction was a massive disappointment. From the opening of Good times Bad times, he was on song with everything above the waste but as a drummer he missed the bass drum parts by a long mark. I also found the choice of Zildjian cymbals a little surprising as they have no where near the cut through and volume that the old Paiste giant beats that his dad used had. I know he is sponsored by Zildjian but seriously this was Led Zeppelin.

The overall sound mix I also found a little guitar heavy, but then the same problem happened when Song remains the same was remastered for DVD release. I think Jimmy Page kind of went, make me louder :P

Overall an awesome show and I can't wait for the blue ray so I can listen properly without the echo that a cinema brings.
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