Red Rose of Normandy (2011 Video)
This Film should be a comedy
2 November 2012
I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I watched this, I laughed quite a bit. Shiny Tanks that have just come out of the museum, laughable beach landings, the wooden acting was so bad I have seen better at my sons Primary school and the accents were so poor they were that bad even the American ones sounded awful, lol. I think I heard one attempt at a German accent in the whole film.

Strangely though there is a good enough story/plot to it but you cannot take anything seriously. The German Nurses uniforms were just so wrong and Klaudia looks like a porn star, too much lipstick and botox.

I got this film as I thought it would be refreshing to see a war film from the German point of view to a certain extent but oh dear. I can't decide if this is the worst war film I have seen, this and pearl Harbour I think.
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